04 July 2010

God be with you, till we meet again

This is a short video clip of some of the people our son met on his mission in the West Indies. We as parents are very grateful for all your kindness towards our son.

Even though two years is a long time and we look forward seeing Jeffrey again, we also feel richly blessed by his mission. We have been uplifted by his weekly e-mails and how he has shared his love for the people and the gospel.

We also know that the church of Jesus Christ was restored and that we have a living prophet. Heavenly Father created a beautiful plan of hapiness. The choice is ours weather we want to accept this plan and receive the blessings of the gospel.

We thank all those people that listened to the missionaries and joint the church of Jesus Christ. If you have not listened to the missionaries, please take a moment and invite these missionaries to share the joy of the gospel to you. It will change your life!

Thank you!!!

28 June 2010

Gods huis is mooi...

Elder Freeman en ik hebben een doopdienst gehad!!! We hebben een geweldige zuster kunnen dopen die al een paar weken naar de kerk komt. Ze heeft echt het verlangen gehad om haar leven te veranderen. Toen wij haar gisteren na de kerk bezochten, zag je gewoon een verschil in haar. Het leek wel alsof ze straalde. Ze is echt gewillig om te leren en leest alles wat wij haar geven. Ze heeft in ongeveer een week het boek van mormon uitgelezen en leest nu (omdat wij geen tripple combinations hebben) Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Als wij haar een Liahona geven, is het binnen een paar dagen uitgelezen.

Elder Freeman en ik zijn zo blij dat wij deze maand toch nog konden dopen. Deze zuster was Elder Freemans eerste dopeling en mijn laatste. Het doel van de zending was om alle collegaschappen te laten dopen en Elder Freeman en ik hebben een doel gesteld om dat te doen. Wij wilden niet de reden zijn dat dit doel van de zending niet werd behaald.

Op zending ben ik beter te weten gekomen, dat God het is, die ons de vele zegeningen geeft die wij elke dag krijgen. Ik heb bijvoorbeeld de afgelopen paar weken toespraken in de kerk moeten geven. Ik had elke week niet echt een idee waarover ik het zou moeten hebben. Nadat ik had gebeden en gevraagd wat ik zou moeten zeggen, kwamen de schriftteksten één voor één in gedachte. En toen ik begon te praten, leek het echt alsof mijn mond gevuld werd en de woorden gewoon uitgestroomd kwamen. Ik ben dankbaar voor de Geest die mij heeft geleid om goed te doen. Ik ben dankbaar voor mensen die mij hebben ondersteund en die samen met mij zulke geestelijke ervaringen hebben kunnen meemaken.

Ik zat zondag vlak voor mijn toespraak naast een klein meisje van ongeveer 5 jaar of zo. Ik hield haar een beetje bezig zodat haar moeder naar de toespraken kon luisteren. Ik dacht er niet veel over na maar gaf haar een kaartje met een foto van de Salt Lake Tempel. Ze nam het en bleef ernaar kijken. Toen wees ze ernaar met haar vinger en zij, "Dit is Gods huis. Gods huis is mooi." Het lijkt gewoon op een klein ding maar deze woorden van het meisje had voor mij op dat moment zo veel waarde. Ik heb kunnen zien hoe rein en schoon wij als mensen weer moeten worden. Ik kon niet veel met haar erover spreken omdat ik toen mijn toespraak moest geven maar als ik eerlijk ben was dat één van de meest geestelijke momenten van de week. Ik gebruikte wat zij zei in m'n toespraak. Ik sprak over gezinnen en het belang van sterke gezinnen. Ik legde aan de mensen uit dat wij alleen sterke gezinnen kunnen hebben als wij;

1. Bidden als gezin (3 Nephi18:22)
2. Over de Verzoening spreken met ons gezin (Jakob 4:12)
3. Als gezin naar de kerk gaan (Joh. 6:51...) om door het avondmaal samen eeuwig leven te krijgen.

Er waren mensen in de gemeente die begonnen te tranen toen ik dat aanhaalde wat het kleine meisje zei. De Geest was tijdens de avondmaalsvergadering zo sterk.

Ik ben dankbaar voor al die geweldige ervaringen. Dit is het werk van de Heer. Ik weet het omdat ik het heb kunnen zien en voelen.


P.S. Hup Holland Hup...Ik hoop dat ze winnen. :D

24 June 2010

Alles is goed...

Wij waren maandag en dinsdag in Paramaribo en hadden de gelegenheid om de familie Kromopawiro bezoeken. Ze zijn echt geweldig. Ze waren zo blij om me te zien. De Elders hadden hun niet verteld dat ik zou komen. Toen we daar annkwamen en ze ons zagen, begonnen ze gelijk eten te koken. Ze zeiden allemaal dat ik was afgevallen :D.
Lekker Eten
Ik vind het zo geweldig dat ik een goede band met zo veel mensen mag hebben, die ik hier op zending heb mogen helpen.

The Joy of the Gospel
Ik ben al begonnen om een paar dingen te sorteren en alles in een koffer te leggen. Ik zal niet veel hebben om mee te nemen. Er zijn niet veel dingen die wij kunnen mee nemen. Ze raden ons ook af om veel te kopen en naar huis te brengen omdat je dan ook door de douane moet. Elder Koenen had echt veel en heeft veel in een doos naar huis moeten sturen of achter moeten laten en dat wil ik dus niet.

Alles is goed en ik zal mijn best blijven doen om nog zo veel mogelijk mensen aan te spreken. Ik heb zo veel wonderen gezien en ben dankbaar voor de vele zegeningen die ik heb ontvangen. Bedankt voor alles wat jullie voor mij doen.

Love, Jeff

17 June 2010

A mission is an amazing experience

The Lord is really blessing us in Nickerie. We did not have a baptism as planned because our friend moved and we had the hardest time finding his house, but he came to church and we will be having his baptism this coming Saturday. That way we can help the mission with our goal of all companionships baptizing this transfer.

My new companion, Elder Freeman is doing fine. He is still adjusting to the new culture and does not speak a lot. I still do a lot of the teaching. I try to get him to speak more, but he get nervous and stutters and shares something really short and looks at me to continue. I think he'll get the hang of it soon. He is a good kid. He does not complain and he works hard. He is just still very new. I remember when I first came out. I think I might have been the same way to some extent.

Elder Freeman and I are now in Paramaribo because he had to get a visa extension, so we are spending 2 days here in Paramaribo. We were able to see one of my favorite families and share a lesson with them. I was very happy to see them again. we had a very spiritually uplifting lesson. Elder Lake, Elder Koenen and I have had some of the most amazing experiences with them. I am thankful for their faithfulness and their testimonies.

It's great to hear that Holland did well in the first match of the World Cup. We don't watch the games, but people tell us the scores all of the time. They even printed a schedule for us, so we would know who played who and when. The world cup really takes over the lives of these people sometimes. When there is a game there is no way people will let us in to talk.

The mission is an amazing experience, but I am a little excited about what's next. I will work hard for the last few weeks, but I sometimes find myself thinking about my student life at the University of Kent. I am grateful for the opportunity that I have had to be here and the opportunity that I still have to serve.

Thank you for all you have done for me and for your prayers



12 June 2010

Ik vertrouw er op....

Deze week was echt geweldig. Het Districtpresidiums was zaterdag en zondag in Nickerie om een nieuwe gemeentepresident te roepen. We hebben nu een broeder als gemeentepresident die pas 4 maanden geleden is gedoopt. Hij is geweldig. Hij doet z'n best en wil echt veranderingen in de gemeente zien.

Wij hebben samen met hem en het Districtspresidium gebeden en gevast. Als resultaat hadden wij 36 mensen in de kerk. Elder Freeman en ik hadden 5 onderzoekers in de kerk. De geest was zo geweldig sterk en ik weet zeker dat de leden en onderzoekers dit konden voelen. Ik ben zo dankbaar dat er een Hemelse Vader is die gebeden hoort en wonderen laat gebeuren.

Om deze broeder te helpen werden twee raadgevers gekozen. Elder Manwill als 1e raadgever en ik als 2e raadgever. Wij moeten er gewoon voor zorgen dat alles goed gaat en hem een beetje trainen. Wij zullen woensdag een Gemeentepresidiumsvergadering hebben. Ik ben echt dankbaar voor de gelegenheid, die ik mag hebben om hier in Nickerie te dienen. Het is echt heel anders dan de stad maar het is hier toch wel leuk.

Ik werd ook weer gevraagd om in deze laatste paar weken pianoles te geven omdat hier niemand is die piano kan spelen. Ik hoop dat het zal lukken omdat ik niet echt mensen in de gemeente zie die verstand hebben van muziek. Ik zal gewoon m'n best doen en hopen en bidden dat ik iemand zal vinden die het snel zal leren.

Ik zou heel graag in Dordrecht willen spreken. Het lijkt me wel leuk om ook in Nederland een toespraak te geven.

Ik weet dat dit het werk van de Heer is. Ik heb gezien dat Hij dit werk leidt en dat Hij ervoor zorgt dat wij succesvol zijn als wij zijn geboden onderhouden. Hij houdt van al zijn kinderen. Die liefde heb ik kunnen voelen voor de mensen die ik heb kunnen onderwijzen. Ik heb geweldige wonderen mogen zien en weet dat jullie die wonderen ook kunnen zien in dienst van de Heer. Ik ben dankbaar voor de gelegenheid die ik nu heb, om hem hier in Nickerie te dienen. Ik vertrouw erop dat wij nog veel succes zullen hebben. Als alles goed gaat, zullen wij komende zaterdag een doopdienst hebben.

Ik hou van jullie en ben dankbaar voor alle gebeden die jullie voor mij spreken. Ik bid dat onze hemelse Vader jullie zal zegenen en leiden.


31 May 2010

Onverwachts naar Trinidad

Ik heb een hele bijzondere week gehad. Ik moest onverwachts naar Trinidad om mijn visum voor Suriname te vernieuwen. Het zendingskantoor heeft het me niet echt op tijd laten weten waardoor ik dus niet echt mijn spullen kon inpakken. Ik zat dus plotseling met alle departing elders in Trinidad. Ik voelde me toch wel een beetje raar omdat ik wist dat ik ook in 6 weken naar huis zal gaan. Elder Swart, Elder Holtz, Elder Mecham en Elder Schroath gingen allemaal terug naar huis. Een paar van die Elders spraken alleen over thuis en dat maakte het voor mij ook een beetje moeilijk om niet aan thuis te denken.

Uiteindelijk kreeg ik een bericht van President Gamiette dat mijn nieuwe collega die avond in Trinidad aan zou komen en dat ik hem mocht gaan ophalen. Rond 10 uur in de avond reden President Gamiette, de APs en ik naar het vliegveld in Trinidad. Daar stonden we bijna 3 uur te wachten omdat de marechaussee hem niet het land in wilde laten. Toen hij er eindelijk uitkwam zag hij er zo bang uit. Hij was aan het trillen. Hij zei dat hij de mensen in Trinidad niet kon verstaan en wist niet helemaal wat ze van hem verwachtte. Het was best wel een beetje grappig om dit te zien. Gelukkig is toch alles goed voor hem gegaan.

Hij heet Elder Freeman en komt uit Blackfoot, Idaho. Hij is 19 jaar oud en is heel z'n leven lid van de kerk. We zijn samen terug naar Suriname gevlogen en werden gelijk naar Nickerie gebracht dat zo'n 200 km van Paramaribo vandaan is. We begonnen gelijk hard te werken en ik moet eerlijk zeggen dat de eerst paar dagen op de fiets best wel moeilijk waren nadat ik 6 maanden in een auto heb gezeten. Ik kon gelijk opmerken dat de mensen hier in Nickerie een andere denkwijze hebben dan in de stad. Van 2 tot 5.30 uur is alles dood. Er is geen hond op straat. Als je rond die tijd geen afspraken hebt, zit je op je fiets en rijdt rondjes om Nickerie. De mensen slapen hier gewoon rond die tijd. oh...en als je ze wakker maakt worden ze boos. Ik zorg er dus voor dat we rond die tijd altijd afspraken hebben. Elder Freeman doet erg z'n best. Het is gewoon voor hem een beetje moeilijk omdat hij nog niet echt Nederlands spreekt. Het zal hem wel lukken.

Maar goed, Zondag kwamen we naar de kerk. Er was om 9 uur nog niemand (de kerk begint om 10 uur.) Ik stapte binnen en werd gegroet door een plas "geel water" (ik wil liever niet weten wat het was). Toen wij het hadden opgeruimd, was het al bijna half 10. Rond die tijd kwam ook Broeder Fisher, die de leiding heeft. Hij begon dingen voor te bereiden voor de vergadering, die om 10 uur zou beginnen. Om 10.05 was er nog niemand. Om 10.15uur was er een zuster met twee kinderen. We begonnen de dienst met 9 mensen waarvan 4 zendelingen waren en 2 volwassen. Ik hoop niet dat dat normaal is, maar de tijd zal het leren.

De Heer heeft ons wel laten zien dat Hij ons zal leiden. Elder Freeman en ik waren opzoek naar een meisje die was weggelopen van huis en niet meer naar de kerk komt. Ik had haar maar één keer in de stad gezien en wist niet eens meer wie ze was. Zondag middag zaten we na de kerk op de fiets en fietsten langs een winkel en zagen een meisje en blijkbaar haar vriend bij die winkel staan. Zoals ik altijd doe, zei ik "hallo" en ging door. Op eens zagen wij een onderzoeker op zijn brommer om de hoek komen en naar de winkel rijden. Iets zei me om hem te groeten en dus draaide ik om en fietste naar de winkel. Toen ik daar aankwam was hij al zo goed als weg en stopte ik vlak voor dat meisje die mij aankeek. Toen op eens kwam de naam Jennifer in mij op (de naam van de jonge dame die wij zochten) en ik zei,"Hey, jij bent toch Jennifer?" Ze zei, "ja". We hadden haar dus gevonden. Ik weet zeker dat dat niet mijn doen was maar dat de Heer ons heeft geholpen. We hadden haar nooit alleen kunnen vinden. De Heer heeft mij daardoor laten zien dat hij weet wie ons nodig heeft en dat ik mijn vertrouwen op Hem kan leggen.

Ik ben dankbaar voor zulke ervaringen en dat ik deze laatste 6 weken nog hard kan werken. Ik weet dat de Heer mij zal leiden en ook jullie zal leiden als wij Hem vragen.

Bedankt voor jullie gebeden.

Liefs, Jeff

25 May 2010

On my way to Nickerie

I did get a call from President Gamiette last week. He told me that I would be serving in Nickerie. It is about 3 hours from Paramaribo. I will be training a new Elder. His name is Elder Freeman. I think he's from Utah, but I do not really know. I will meet him on Wednesday. I am excited about training. I remember when I first came into the mission field. Everything was very new to me and I did not know what was going on. Now, almost 2 years later we're doing missionary work like it has become part of us.

The missionaries I came out with (Elder Holtz, Elder Schroath, and Elder Mecham) are going home in a few days. They go home one transfer before I do because they stayed longer in the MTC. Elder Swart is also going home with them. I can't believe that I now only have 6 weeks left. It's just amazing how fast time has flown.

This week was great. We had two baptisms in the Zone. Things are really going well in Suriname. I really believe that if the members and missionaries work together we will be able to see so many great miracles and have a stake here in no time, but only if the members work together with the missionaries! That requires humility on our part as missionaries. We need to help the members. It is their work. I have seen so much success by doing that. The members WANT to work when THEY see the success and it is THEIR success. I love missionary work. I just hope to be able to help this new Elder become a great missionary. Trainers have so much influence on their new missionaries. I am grateful that the Lord would trust me enough to train a new Elder. I will not be zone leader anymore which will allow me to focus 100% on missionary work and "go out with a bang", as President Gamiette says.

Thank you for the many prayers on my behalf.

Love, Jeff

22 May 2010

Just do it...

We had Zone Conference this las week which was great. I heard a lot of things to think about and to apply to my life. President Gamiette is amazing. At Zone conference I met Elder West and Elder Williams. Both of them are from england. Elder West is actually 30 min away from Kent and says it is a great uni. Elder Williams is from London. They were excited to hear that I was going to go to University in England after my mission. They both agree that Kent is a great uni. I am excited to go.

We are really being blessed in this work. Elder Lake and I were not able to work a lot due to zone conference preperations, but we were able to teach a few good lessons. The spirit was strong during the lessons and the people that we taught felt that spirit. It is so amazing how the spirit works. I love this work.

I had an interview with president Gamiette, who told me that I am doing well as a zone leader and then showed me some of his plans for the coming transfer. He asked me what I would think about not being a zone leader for my last transfer. I said that that would be great. I love this area and I love the people. I love Elder Lake who is just a great missionary. I would enjoy staying in this area, but I would not mind leaving. We talked about me going to Nickerie which is about 250 km away from Paramaribo. I don't know what's going to happen, so we'll have to wait and find out. All of the Elders that are leaving have said that this last transfer will just fly by really quickly. I just want to do my best wherever I am for these last 6 weeks.

Thank you again for all that you do for me and all of your prayers. I love you all and pray for you. see you in 7 weeks.
Love, Jeff

15 May 2010

Music can say more than a thousand words

Please watch this video and listen to the beautiful music and feel the love of the Lamb of God. As a dad, I am so grateful for the missionary work our son Jeffrey Vernes is doing in the West Indies Mission by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and teh restoration of His church.

If you haven't listened to our missionaries, please take the time and invite them to your home and let them share a message of joy. You will love it!

In only a few weeks he will finish his two year mission. He has truly come to love the people in this area.

11 May 2010

We are enjoying the work

This week was great. We had 2 investigators at church and are hoping to baptize them in a few weeks. They really liked church and have a great bond with some of the members. Member/Missionary work is so important and the work is so much better with the support of the members. There is a family that helps us a lot. It is the Kromopawiro family. They are solid members and help us so much. They take care of us very well, too. I think they found Whitney and Amy on face book. I am not sure how, but they did.

Elder Lake and I are working well together and are enjoying the work. There are some elders that will be leaving soon which includes Elder Swart and some others. Soon after that I will be leaving and I cannot believe it. Time has flown so fast.

We will have a very busy week. We need to go to Nickerie and do a lot of other exchanges and to support the missionaries out.

Love, Jeff

27 April 2010

The Lord blesses me with so much...

Dear family,

Wow!!! Thank you for the good news. I was so happy to hear that I was accepted at the University of Kent and also the University of Leiden. I will fast and pray and let you know how I feel. I just think it is great that the Lord blesses me with so much.

Elder Lake and I had a good week. We are seeing so much success with the returning members and the less actives. We taught so many good lessons. The spirit was just so strong during a lot of these lessons and you could just see the faces of the people lit up when we were teaching. I feel that the Lord is using us as His tools to bring light back into the lives of these people.

There is a family that was less active last year and they are making changes in their lives accept callings to serve in the church. Every time we go there we just have a great spiritual experience. They are so amazing and I enjoy teaching them because they are just so willing to learn. As they are making the needed changes in their lives, they have been able to bring three people into the church with them. These three new members are strong and one of them is preparing to go on a mission. He is such a good kid. You can tell that he loves the Gospel and that he will be a great missionary. He shares the things he learns with those around him and they too are making changes in their lives.

I just feel like the Lord is speaking to them through my companion and me. I love that feeling and I am thankful for it. I try to thank the Lord for every time that feeling comes. I always want to have that feeling in my life and I know it will be there as I keep on reading my scriptures and praying and thanking the Lord for everything I have.

I love the Lord and he has made such an impact in my life. Every time I teach I want to give others that feeling. I want to make them feel that God loves them. I was able to teach Elder's Quorum yesterday and I explained that each member had a calling to bring the Gospel into the lives of others. I told them that the people could feel the love of God through them. I am completely convinced that that is true. This church is a missionary church and The Lord uses us (the members, not the missionaries) to reach out to people. "The members are full time finders and the missionaries are full time teachers", said Elder Bednar.

I love this work and the people here in Suriname. I am so grateful that I am a part of this gret work. Thank you for sustaining me in it through your faith and testimonies and prayers.

Love, Jeff

19 April 2010

Not even the Volcano in Iceland can stop the work...

Trust me, we know all about the volcano. Elder Koenen should have been home a few days ago, but cannot leave because of the ash in the air. We do not know when he will leave and we do not know how, but right now he is here with us. He is in good spirit and doing well, however he does want to go home soon.

I know that God answers payers. Elder Koenen, Elder Lake (my new companion), Elder Manwill (a new elder), and I had a great moment together. We were able to come to help a recent convert when he was sick. I will not be able to tell the entire story, but I will tell you that we gave a blessing and we saw how God answered our prayers instantly. I have seen the hand of God so often and so clearly during my mission. I know that my Savior lives. I know that he suffered and died for me and that I can be forgiven of my sins. I love him and cherish the miracles I see.

We have had a rough week. We needed to go out to Nickerie which is about 250 km from where we are. We had to drop off some new missionaries and bring them to their companions. We also had to figure out how to get Elder Koenen out of here. We have had to go to the airport a few times. The last time we went we saw an empty airport. There was not a soul to be found. The airport is about 1 hour away, so we wasted some time going out there. The funny thing is that we still do not know anything about when he is leaving. I guess we will just need to wait. I just hope that my home coming will be a little easier. :D

Anyway, thank you for your emails. I love you all and pray for you.
Love, Jeff

05 April 2010

What a great Conference

What a great conference it was. I noticed that they talked a lot about families and establishing the church. I was able to learn that families are key to the growth of the church. I hope we will be able to implement that into the work here in suriname.

During conference I was able to learn so much about the priesthood and the importance of missionary work. I am thankful for the success that the Lord is giving us.

Elder Koenen will be leaving in the coming week. He is sad and excited to go home at the same time. I cannot imagine that my turn will come soon as well. We are going to have a great week. We will be baptizing a sister this week that is really looking forward to baptism. She is so excited. She read all the way up to the middle of Alma in jst about 3 weeks. She is ready to get baptized and willing to learn. At the same time we are helping a less active family because we are asking them to fellowship her. The work is amazing.

No, I did not get any package. It may be in the mail, but I did not get it yet. The system here is a little slow.

The picture here shows us after a good game of soccer with some members. It had just rained and we were basically playing in the mud, so we were no very clean when we finished.

Thank you for all of your prayers and thoughts.
Love, Jeff

04 March 2010

The promptings of the spirit

I have had a great spiritually uplifting experience this last week and the week before. When Elder Koenen recovered and got out of the hospital we got a call that very same day. A Member asked us to go to the hospital and visit a man that had just gotten hit by a car and was in the ICU. Elder Koenen and I dropped everything and drove to the Hospital. We asked the nurse to show us the man in question and we gave him a blessing. He is still in a coma, but his health improved a little.

As we were walking out of the ICU Elder Koenen and I were standing by the door and Elder Koenen was talking to one of the nurses about that man. I was looking around and saw a girl of about 18 years old looking at me. I saw her and waved at her. She looked really bad, but she slowly lifted her arm and gave me a little wave and slowly put it back down. We then left the ICU and went to another part of the hospital to visit one of Elder Koenen's old "roommates" who expressed that he wanted to learn more about the Book of Mormon. As we were teaching this man I was continually thinking about this girl. I had the feeling to go back, but I did not know what to do. When we walked out of the lesson and down the stairs of one of the hospital buildings, I told Elder Koenen that I felt that we needed to go back. He said that we could and we did.

I asked the nurse if I could give her a little book. She said that it was ok and I walked over to give her a little leaflet about the plan of salvation. She was sort of sleeping and not looking very good at all. She seemed completely drugged. I put the book by her bedside and left thinking I had done everything.

Throughout the day, I caught myself thinking about her. I did not know what to do. I felt that I needed to do something, but I did not know what. I decided that I was going to fast and pray about it and for her. I fasted to know what to do and for her health to improve and decided that we were going back to the hospital the next day.

We did. I knew exactly what to do. I was to give her a Book of Mormon. We went to the ICU and to my surprise, she was not there. Her health improved overnight whether it was because of my prayer and fasting or something else, I do not know. The nurse told us her name, I did not even know that, and told us where we could find her.

We went to the ward and found her sleeping. I put the Book of Mormon next to her bed on the table and left. This happened last week. A few days ago we went back to check up on one of Elder Koenen's "Hospital Friends" and walked across the hall to check up on her as well.

She was sitting in a chair. She looked a lot better and was not connected to ant pipes and IVs or anything like that. I asked if she had received the Book and she said that she had. I promised her that the Book would help her. We said a little prayer and left. We will not be able to visit her because she does not live in Paramaribo. She lives in an area where we do not work as missionaries yet.

I may never know the effect the Book of Mormon will have on her and if she will ever read it, but I do know that that is what I was prompted to do. I know that prayer is real. I am so thankful for it. I have been able to see the effects of it so quickly. Our heavenly Father really does hear and answer prayers and he does love his children. Sometimes he will use us to help others. I do not know what would have happened if I had not fasted, but I do know what happened because I did. I think heavenly Father gave me this to learn of the importance of prayer and I am so thankful for it. I do not think I will ever see that girl again, but I sometimes wonder about how far that Book of Mormon will make it and how many people it may help. I am so thankful for all of this.

Elder Koenen is doing well. He ate something that was not good and he got sick. The funny thing is that I ate the same thing and I did not have any problems. Doing things alone as a Zone Leader was not easy and I am glad that he is back, so we can handle these things together. The transfer is almost up and Elder Koenen and I will work together zntil he returns home in 6 weeks.

I love you all.

17 February 2010

Who are the Mormons?

Very busy...

Thank you for your e-mails this week.My companion has been sick and I had a very busy week, running around. I would love to write everyone e-mails, but I just do not have the time to do that. We have 30 min to write a weekly report to our mission president and 30 min to write the family at home. I wanted to write letters, but I just do not find the time to do that on P-Days because there is always something to do. As Zone Leaders, we need to provide support to the other missionaries, and there are always Elders that need something and we often do not get home on our p-day until 5:30 or 6pm and then we need to start our missionary work again. I am grateful for alll the love and support I receive from my family and friends at home. You are great and I love you all.

Things are going really well. We have been having a lot of success. I will have to keep my message very short today. You are great and I love you all.

Love, Jeff

13 February 2010

Love One Another

We are accountable for our goals...

As you might have guessed, we had another great week. We were able to baptize 2 people and 3 new members were able to be ordained priests in the priesthood. Sacrament Meeting was amazing. We did not have as many people as last week, but the meeting was great anyway. With the confirmations and things like that the spirit was very strong.

Zone Conference was great as well. We were able to pick up everyone on time and get them to where they needed to be. President Gamiette is an amazing man. We had planned for him to do interviews with the missionaries on Wednesday. And we told him that we were going to pick him up at noon or so. When we got to the hotel he was not to be found. We asked the people at the front desk, but they did not know where he went and we went up to his room, but he was not there. We decided that we were going to walk around in the back of the hotel to see if we could find him by the pool or anywhere else. As we were walking around the garden area I saw what looked like President Gamiette in the gym. We walked in and he said, "Argh...I just needed 10 more min.", than he looked at his watch and said, "Alright, I'll come." He is in such good shape. He had decided to work out a little to relieve himself from some stress. And then he went and did some of the most spiritual interviews with the missionaries. He is a great man and wonderful leader! He works very hard and really loves the missionaries and members.

Our Zone Leader Council Meetings are done via LDS Meeting point. This will save a lot of time and money. It is quite a good program. Then once a quarter we have to go to Trinidad for more training and instructions.

I was very happy to learn about the goal for the Europe area to double our sacrament attendance by inviting less active people back to church and others to come unto Christ. I am sure if we as members do all we can, we will be able to reach that goal. I have been able to learn that on my mission. If we set a goal we are accountable for it and we need to report to the Lord. It will take every member's efforts.

Love, Jeff.

04 February 2010

I love it how the gospel can change lives...

Thank you for your e-mails and prayers. This week was amazing. We had 3 baptisms in our district two of which were from Elder Koenen and myself. We baptized a young man named Gilliano and a girl named Gail.

Gilliano is about 22 years old and is such a great person. We found him through a member who lives in one of my old areas in Suriname -Wanica. He is actually her boyfriend and just sat in on one of the lessons. During the first lesson we had with him he said that he had been coming to church for one year every Sunday. His family was against him joining the church and he could not get baptized and stopped coming because of problems at home. Now, he moved out and wanted to come back again. He said, "I want to join the church. I just do not know how." His girlfriend, Kim, was beaming. He has been living and keeping all the commandments. When he reads the Book of Mormon he studies everything until he gets it. He will spend 2 hours reading and read 10 verses because he reads and ponders until it clicks. He even wants to go on a mission and so does Kim. He asked Kim's father to baptize him.

Gail is about 10 years old and is one of the daughters of the Kromopawiro family. They have been less active for years and we were able to invite them back to church. They are now great and strong members. They bring investigators to church and introduce the gospel to their friends and those around them. They all have callings and are completely active again. They want to go to the temple and prepare for further covenants. They are an amazing family. They invited us over for dinner today to celebrate the baptism of Gail.

Elder Kempenaers, who is our district leader baptized Karina, a young lady of about 20 years old. She completely turned around her life. I was able to have a baptism interview with her and I was so amazed at the person that I saw in front of me that day. When I met her for the first time (more than a month ago) she did not want anything to do with the gospel. Now she finds so much strength and energy from reading the Book of Mormon and coming to church.

This week really strengthened to my testimony. I love the way the gospel changes lives and that I can be part of that as a missionary. It change good people to better people. Those that lost their way, will find it again. It changes grief and pain to joy and happiness.

Thank you for the pictures. I cannot believe that there is so much snow. It looks like it is really cold. I cannot imagine being in that cold. It is very hot here most of the time. Right now we are enjoying some light rain and cloud cover.

How far is Paramaribo from here?
I really miss you Jeff :-)

We are having zone conference on Tuesday. Things are going to be a little stressful for Elder Koenen and myself. We need to make sure we pick up everybody at the right time and bring them to where they need to be. President Gamiette will be flying in tonight and leaving on Wednesday.

Whitney, Happy birthday tomorrow. I cannot believe you're now 19 years old and that you're so grown up. I tell everybody that asks about my family that my sister is studying in England and you should see the faces of people. I am proud of what you have achieved. Continue to work hard and do your best. Have a great day tomorrow. Thanks again for your emails.

Love, Jeff

26 January 2010

Some fruits are saved for a different season

Monday 25 January 2010

Things are really going well. Elder Koenen and I are really seeing the hand of the Lord in the work. We have so much to do for other Elders and it often seems like we do not have time to work in our own area, however, the Lord knows that we are doing our very best. He is blessing us in so many ways. People are getting baptized and less actives are coming back to church. We should be having 2 batptisms and Elder Kempenaers and his companion should be having one baptism which means 3 baptisms in our district.

I got an email from Elder Muse who was my companion on St. Maarten. He finished his mission a few weeks ago, right before Christmas. He is still in contact with some people we worked with. There was one Sister that we were working with that was a little less active, but started coming back to church. We did not baptize anyone on St Maarten and did not really see success that way, but I was able to read in his email that this sister is now active in the church and that she is really doing her best to strengthen the church in St Maarten. It was great to hear that. I realized that you do not always see the fruits of your work immediately. I have seen plenty of situations like this in the last few weeks. We cannot always see the fruits of the work we do right away. Some fruits are saved for a different season.

Monday 18 January 2010

We had a great fireside yesterday with an Area Seventy. There were a lot of new members and investigators there and the Spirit was very strong. The meeting confirmed to me how important this work is and how important it is to always strive to do our best to always come closer to Christ.

I just met a senior couple from England who are working in Guyana. Their name is Elder and Sister Weedon. They asked where I was from and I told them Frankfurt, Germany. They then asked if I knew the Carmichaels and I said that I did. They are good friends of the Carmichaels. It was great to see how small the world is. :D We will be going out with them on Tuesday to find less active youth that should be going to seminary and institute, but are not. They are really funny and very "English" :-)

Transfers are coming up, but nothing is changing in Suriname because we did all of the transfers early. We are waiting for a new Elder to come in. Because he has some problems with visas and immigration, he will be working in Trinidad until they get his visa ready.

Thanks for your support.

Love, Jeff.

14 January 2010

Count your blessings....

We picked up 4 new missionaries from the airport and had to handle the transfers of other missionaries. We did not have a lot of sleep these last few days because we have been driving to the airport in the middle of the night. The new missionaries are a little shocked at what Suriname is like. I don't know what they were expecting, but they seem a little quiet and uneasy. They will settle in and everything will be fine in a few days. One of the new missionaries is staying in our home with his companion, Elder Kempenaers from Belgium. They are doing a great job.

We are hoping to have a few baptisms in a few weeks and are planning on a few in February. We are seeing so much success in our area and things are going really well with the branch and the entire Zone. We had a so many people at church all over Suriname. We are experiencing an upward trend and the Lord is blessing us in so many ways. I hope we can all continue to do better and provide lots of service and love to people.

I was asked to prepare another performance with the district choir for district conference in February. This time I will not do as much as I did with the Christmas program. The members are doing very well on their own, but I will help them where I can. I am excited to prepare this performance with them. I have so much fun with the people from the choir every time we practice. I am sure this performance will be as good as what we did for Christmas. People are still talking about it.

That's about all from me. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.



4 January 2010

I was shocked to hear about the dad’s car accident and all of the things that happened. I am so glad that our Heavenly Father protected you and that everything will be alright. I pray every day that all may be well with all of you and that you may be protected. It is a great feeling to know that my prayers are answered. God is our Heavenly Father and He loves us so much. I am thankful for the many blessings that we receive every day. I realize now how important it is to thank him for the things that he gives us. I really do pray every day for your safety and wellbeing.

We had such a successful and exciting week. We had one baptism and the mission had 11 on January 2nd. Elder Koenen and I are working with more people that are ready to get baptized. This week at least five people simply told us that they knew the church was true and that they wanted to get baptized. It is such a great feeling to hear that from an investigator. What also made the week great was the fact that we had an entire family come back to church that was less active. Some of the members of the family including the person that we thought was most less active shared their testimony. They said that they knew the church is true and that they want to be back. The members embraced them and welcomed them back. It is so great to see the work of the Lord move forward. Things are going well for us in Suriname.
I am so grateful for the blessings of the Lord. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and that He loves us and know us. He knows what we need. I am so thankful for the atonement. I know that that is the power that saved dad. I am so thankful for prayer and faith. I will continue to pray for all of you. Please pray for me as well. I think we all need to count our blessings.

I love all of you.
